** Halloween Special** – Chronicles of a Vampire, Part VOctober 31 2016
Pelagria & WalterHappy Halloween!
** Halloween Special** – Chronicles of a Vampire, Part VOctober 29 2016
Wounded Hearts of Transylvania
** Halloween Special** – Chronicles of a Vampire, Part IVOctober 28 2016
My first bite
** Halloween Special** – Chronicles of a Vampire, Part IIIOctober 27 2016
Pauline and the girls
** Halloween Special** – Chronicles of a Vampire, Part IIOctober 27 2016
The fruit of their loins
**Halloween Special** – Chronicles of a VampireOctober 27 2016
Vampire Pelagria gave us an exclusive insight into her family photo album:
Part I – Edward & Mirelda
WE GO WEST!October 07 2016
Happy to anounce that we're invited to the cultural festival POTENTIALe this November. In the category Lost Spaces we will rediscover and reactivate a vacant and forgotten space.
Anyone interested in design, photography & media art, check that out. Good stuff will happen in the west of Austria!
** New Tattoo! New Tattoo! New Tattoo! **October 07 2016
During these days of grey and heavy sky, we thought some colour would do good.
Opening Party of our Temporary Tattoo Studio / BiaschtlbudeApril 28 2016
A big thanks to all who dropped by and joined us for an amazing opening party, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We also want to thank Design Lichtblick, for suppling us with their great vintage interior and the Ruby Marie Hotel and brickspaces, for making this possible.
If you didn't make it to the opening, you can still visit us at our pop up store till may 15th. Plus we still have some drinks left, so just ask for a beer. :)
OPENING Temporary Tattoo Studio!April 12 2016
Nach einigen Stops auf verschiedenen Designmärkten, werden wir dank dem Ruby Marie Hotel & Bar sesshaft - zumindest für einen Monat lang. Am 20.4. eröffnet die Biaschtlbude seinen Pop Up und Young and SmittenWien's erstes Temporary Tattoo Studio.
Die Biaschtlbude frittiert ihre Pommes nicht im Fett, sondern bringt diese per Siebdruck auf fair produzierte Kleidung. Gebraten wird dabei natürlich noch vom Chef persönlich. In seiner Wiener Küche bringt er dabei alles auf Textil was er gerade in seinem geistigen Kühlschrank findet.
Bei uns werden die Peckerlpickerl vor Ort auf unserem Tätowierstuhl (wir haben uns nicht lumpen lassen) auf die Haut kommen oder können als Tattoo to-go mit nach Hause genommen werden.
Am Eröffnungstag gibts handgedruckte Plakate frisch aus der Siebdruckwerkstatt, feine Angebote und ab 17:00 Musik, Bier und ganz viel Liebe.
Weil das Gute so nah liegt, werden wir um 10:00 in den 5.Stock in die Ruby Marie Hotel & Bar wechseln.
Öffnungszeiten des Stores:
Mo-Fr: 11–19 Uhr
Sa: 10–18 Uhr
ein Projekt mit:
TamtamTAAAAAM!March 15 2016
Something big is coming in April! Biaschtlbude invited us to join his Pop Up store in Vienna in April. We are pretty damn excited!!
"Peckerl ohne Nadel"March 15 2016
The Gap Magazine asked us some questions lately:
C'mon c'mon!January 24 2016
We need your help to get our first store in Vienna!
Our baby Young & Smitten has grown into a 2 1/2 year old toddler by now and we are eager to try something new in 2016. Since an online shop doesn't allow you a lot of real interaction with people we've always dreamed of a real shop where we could tattoo people right away after they chose their design. We carried our idea a bit further and thought about drawing directly onto our client's skin with tattoo pencils (to get you your personal customized tattoo in any size) or drawing tattoo workshops with kids.
Click on the facebook link below and support us with a LIKE on the picture. The more likes we get the more likely we can open our temporary tattoo studio on Mariahilfer Straße.
Thanks for your support!!
The MuseJanuary 24 2016
Whenever you feel inspired to perform an aria under the shower, to invent the “best gin cocktail ever” or you need to find THE reason why you can't go to sports class this week, your inner muse arises: She might kiss you or she might kick you, she might sometimes say “Bugger off!” when you think you need her advice the most. But in any case it’s good to know, that she is always around.
Weihnachts-HalliGalli am DonaukanalDecember 14 2015
Last saturday we joined a new and a not-the-usual kitschy christmas market along the danube channel. Designy and artsy stuff next to sweet delights and proper Glühwein. Zuckergoscherl played a lovely openair-gig but our highlight of the evening: Russel Bruner (the man with the top hat) performing some classic Charleston dances!
To fit into this quirky and charming environment we left our usual stand and had prepared something special: Barbara with a classic old-school vendors tray and Elke in a pimped trenchcoat full of tattoos.
Pics by Philipp Lipiarski von der GOOD LIFE CREW
Feschmarkt #11December 14 2015
Fesch'markt is Vienna's biggest market for design, food and artsy stuff - and always a blast! We were happy to join the fesch'family again in November.
© Katrin Kreiner
A-ListDecember 14 2015
Happy to be featured in A-list's Best of Austria mini publication about favourite places in Vienna
Christmas post!December 09 2015
We are busy preparing christmas orders for you. To get your Tattoos in time for Christmas order until 11th (Europe) and up til the 20th if you are in Austria!
FESCH'Markt Special Give AwayNovember 11 2015
3 days until the doors open again for the fantastic FESCH/Designmarkt and we are thrilled to launch our FESCH'Markt special: a limited Young & Smitten Adventkalender Kit with 24 Tattoos to color each day until Christmas Eve.
Take the chance to get one for free: Like our Facebook page and the Adventkalender post and the winner will be announced on Sunday evening.
We say hello to this great lady!November 08 2015
Barbara has been a big helping hand since the early days. So it was just a natural thing to officially join Young & Smitten. She likes the sound of seagulls and one day wants to own an alpaca called Pinky. We like her adorable illustrations and are more than excited to release one of them soon!
Photo by Thomas Piribauer.
Smitten HalloweenOctober 29 2015
The scariest night of all is coming and we thought we bring you some inspiration how to use your tattoos to pimp up your costume!
Smitten Halloween #1
Persephone, Queen of the Underworld
Here are the tattoos we have used to create this one:
Smitten Halloween #2
The last descendant of William Tell
Smitten Halloween #3
Anchors and underpants for the pumpkin!
And here comes Smitten Halloween #4
The Ice Princess
Enjoy the chilly autumn evenings!
Smitten Halloween #5
We've heard a Mad Cat Lady is walking around in fullmoon nights looking for you...
Watch out and be prepared!
Smitten Halloween #7
The Great White Shark
Have a great start into a spooky weekend!
The weekend is just around the corner!October 23 2015
We thought we give you a treat to get through the last hours: a new tattoo for all insomniacs, nightmarers and Twilight Saga freaks. Have a fabolous weekend!
FeschmarktOctober 23 2015
We have a Save the date for you: still a month to go, but we are already excited about the next FESCH/Designmarkt on 13th-15th of November!
Halloween is coming!October 21 2015
Ten days countdown to Halloween! Over the next days we will keep you posted on how to pimp up your halloween costume with temporary tattoos!
New tat!October 14 2015
Tired of talking things out? We know this feeling and tried to come up with a solution! Here you go, our new and hot off the press tattoo "Talking Hands".
Available now in our online store:
Just in our minds the space is limited. October 14 2015

Edelstoff Markt at the Expedithalle in 1010 ViennaOctober 14 2015

Some summer impressionsSeptember 11 2015
First order from Estonia! Epa!
Our stand at the lovely Karlsgarten Sommerfest in Vienna
3 new winter tatttoos in our online shop!February 06 2015

WUK Lights DesignmarktFebruary 06 2015

Feschmarkt at the Ottakringer Braurerei 2014 © Arno EbnerFebruary 06 2015

We feel flattered!October 24 2014
Young and Smitten got featured on the A-List. Read the whole interview onElke's Vienna tips on http://www.a-list.at/wien/insider/l/insider-wien-young-smitten-elke-bauer-burgtheater-sapa-altstadtladen.html
Landjäger & AktionstheaterOctober 12 2014
Since the very beginning of Young and Smitten we wanted to do a sausage tattoo but the designs always got kicked out after surveys. The guys from Landjäger Magazin got balls and know as we do, that Frankfurter are great and funny things.
But thats not all, the aktionstheater ensemble is celebrating their 25th birthday. We honoured their contemporary and edgy approach to theater with a "Not everything is at it seems" Tattoo.
You can find the result of our collaboration on the last page of the new Landjäger issue.
New Tattoo out for all the dreamers out there!October 01 2014
Nothing wrong with having your head in the clouds. Embrace your daydreaming side with our new design launching today!
Best Irish Shops 2014August 29 2014
Designist who is selling our tattoo sets got nominated for the best shops in Ireland. Congrats guys!
KunstautomatAugust 15 2014
The ArtDesign Feldkirch -Kunstautomat is an old cigarette machine, carefully repainted and reactivated with lots of lovely things inside. This summer we are happily contributing with our tats. Since today you can find the Kunstautomat at the Poolbar Festival (Which by the way is also a great summer venue if you happen to be in the west of Austria!)http://www.feldkirch.at/artdesign/programm/kunst-automat

It's our very first birthday!July 18 2014
Time flies when you're having fun, and oh-my-god have we had fun throughout this last year! Thank you for all the support we have received, and for the countless magic encounters – at flea markets, fashion fairs, museum shops or through the interwebs.
To celebrate, we have launched 2 new designs which are very dear to our heart: the confused Hippo who wants to be a zebra, and the shy stitch puppet Elsa who has just escaped nana's tablecloth.
Check them out:
Impressions from the Feschmarkt #8 Ottakringer BrauereiJuly 06 2014
© Arno Ebner
Summer is here!June 16 2014

Come on, come on!June 06 2014
We are supporting this year's Focus Ireland Four Peaks Challenge starting today. It's a great fundraising campaign to support the homeless in Ireland!
Come on team Climbing Frogs – you guys rock!
News!June 01 2014
Some of you may have been wondering why you received your orders from us with an Austrian stamp - it's because we have expanded our project which is now run out of Dublin and Vienna. G'schamster Diener!
Some lovely food shots by Barbara HoffmannFebruary 11 2014

New photos on the wayFebruary 06 2014
We've had a blast shooting new photos on the streets of Dublin this weekend. Here's a sneak peek of the pics Hadrien shot — enjoy!
Yeah!December 11 2013
We got featured in the current issue of the Austrian miss -magazine. Proud like a big chicken mama!
We were at the Dublin Flea MarketNovember 25 2013
The lovely folks from The Dublin Flea Market invited us over last weekend and quite frankly: we had a blast! Thanks to all of you who managed to drop by – we are already looking forward to the next edition!
Fall is arrivingNovember 08 2013
And with it our new business cards!
Enjoy the summer!August 01 2013
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